Monday, June 30, 2008



Byebye Chu He, I'm in love with Ethan Ruan Jing Tian right now.

Wait. I still like Chu He.

I find Ethan Ruan extremely hot, lol. It is ridiculous, I keep staring at him, muttering, 'he's so stupid...' and I don't know why, considering he has monster eyebrows, he is still cute. Then again, I liked him a lot in HanaKimi too... *cough* anyway, I look forward to watching more of this drama.

Just finished watching episode 12, and I swear no idol drama comes near to this episode. Anyone who watches this episode will definitely agree that the ratings it has got so far are really well-deserved. There are a lot of extremely heart-wrenching scenes in this episode. I felt emotionally drained after that episode T_T The only scene that got me annoyed is *spoiler* the driver of the car never bothered to get out after hitting the girl. I was like, what the hell, he hit this woman, she is laying in the street, in the rain, bleeding everywhere, a guy is cradling her and screaming... I think I will just stay in my car with the windshield wipers going... *-* Through the OMGdramaness of it all, I was still like *inches closer to screen* Dude, is there anyone in that car?

I haven't watch episode 13 and yet i was JUST so curious about the spoiler that i HAD to click on it >.> *slaps hand* noooooo i guess this teaches me a lesson XP lol.

Gosh I've been hooked up lately with the story of Fated To Love You. I think I'm becoming too obsessed. Not good.


Have I mentioned I'm falling hopelessly in love with Ruan Jing Tian now?



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