Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Who's Wanted?

Went to see Wanted today.
The movie is based on a comic book series (that I have never heard of) and stars Angelina Jolie, James McAvoy, and Morgan Freeman.


Great special effects, freaking crazy action sequences and some of the cool gun battles. XD
Sometimes I could hardly follow what was happening at any particular moment because of the hyper-stylised action sequences. Only when they are done fighting then I went "Huh?! What just happened?! Finished fighting liao meh?" =_=

The movie is so intense. It starts with a guy running so fast that his wake is blowing paintings off the walls as he runs by them. Then the guy jumps through a don't-know-how-many-th story window about 100 feet onto the roof of a neighboring skyscraper. And the movie gets more intense after that.

We were like Oohh and Aaahh-ing throughout the movie, mainly because, it is BREATHTAKINGLY v.i.o.l.e.n.t in some scenes. Seriously. I felt like telling the guy to clean up his face first before continue fighting. The blooooood. 0____0 And the cartoon-like hail of bullets and explosions. Like Whooaaaa.

I think people watch the movie for the action, but enjoy it more because of James McAvoy :D


I've never seen him acted before, but he's cute. :D

:::::-It was nice meeting you Rachel. :DDDD-:::::



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