because i love studying.
and i'm still suffering a nervous shock
from my mid-term exam's result.
i don't know what happened.
thus the frustration.
don't ask.
i'm kinda like happy-go-lucky but sometimes not very lucky.
i shall be working very, extemely hard for the finals.
law of torts - 7th october
criminal law - 9th october
islamic law - 10th october
computer law - 16th october
malaysian studies - 17th october
one day,
i told my brother that i don't wish people good luck because i have this mindset that if you wish people good luck you'll give your luck away. thus, i only get wished and wish people all the best. the following day, before my brother sat for exam, he happily spreaded my ideology to his friends and wished his friends all the best. his friends then told him wishing people all the best is worse because you're wishing people to be the best. giving your best away what not.
the end.
all the good in finals =P
yes i'm that pantang.
secret is,
i didn't know how to operate my face book account thus abandoned it...
but now i do ok!
i'm no longer the ah-po who doesn't know how to use face book.
but i think it's too mafan so i'm still abandoning it....
geez what happened to the good ol' days of friendster?
yalar... i know it's not face book but facebook.
but who really cares lar whether it's mukabuku or muka buku.
wow muka buku sounds like some exotic getaway.
or perhaps it simply sounds like muruku.
i think right,
i've been going through a phase.
it's the malas mood and shitty phase.
note to self-
i should get that annoying ringing alarm clock.
i have woken up.
and i plan to never sleep again.
for there is not a point in it.
that sweet slumber shall be my last mistake tonight.
that spell is broken.
bad things comes in threes.
the forth time is a charm.
because i know a new trick you don't. =)
and i'm still mourning over my mid-term.
you know,
i think it's funny to keep a diary online.
just click this, click that,
add a couple of weird sites you go to...
and voila!
another method to announce your life into the interwebs
for million of people to see.
i will be missing you guys
since i won't be updating my blog anytime soon.
but keep your sites updated coz i'm still reading them!! =D
don't forget me ar.
-missing in action-
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