Thursday, October 30, 2008

life's like that.

if looks could kill,


then i'm dead now.
in peace. =)

is starting in 10 days.
gonna set up a new column -
new inspiration/new goals.
i think i'm someone that needs new goals to be placed inside my head constantly.

find me a new inspiration or motivation.
movies, episodes, dreams,
are all wonderful but they don't last.
on another note,
i should get out of my house tomorrow.
i have a habit of staying at home too much.

these two weeks have been nothing but,
emptiness i guess.
the time sleeping has been comforting.
don't be lazy, me.

yesterday was spent rushing through season1 of lipstick jungle.
worthy watching,
for that eye candy kirk,
the hunk you saw up there. =))))

and here i am,
on a thursday afternoon all alone in the house,
behaving like an old single lady,
deciding what to do.
continue my tv,
out for a run ,
eat my heart out,
or just listening to sad sappy songs.

i think i shall eat,
and start the night with my heroes season3.
buhbai. =D


Anonymous said...

u almost become 宅女 lo,lol~

Anonymous said...

heheh =D
i think i AM one.

Anonymous said...

not suitable for u
coz normally zai nv not charm d~~


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